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By Owen Rendall, Saif Haque, Daanyal Hassan


The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6, when half a million people turned out in nearly 550 places across the United States. That was a single day in more than a month of protests that still continue to today....


South Africa's Penguins facing extinction


India's Covid Crisis higher than ever


Alcohol dependency rising in France 


Nation wide enquiry in to U.S Universities


Venezuela announce State of Emergency




History made at the Oscars for People of Colour.

By Dominion Eno



The Musical Prodigy who is using her music to Combat Climate Change

By Imogen Smithers



Could this Nigerian Artist be the next Picasso?

By Mathew Branch 


Election Results

Taylor Johnson Takes Majority Vote.

Field calls for Investigation.

Taylor Johnson takes majority in Arizona, confirming her win as the next U.S President. Arizona last voted Democratic for President in 1996, but the state has become increasingly competitive as the Hispanic share of the electorate has grown. The Democrats managed to gain a number of seats in the 2018 midterms here.

By Thomas Webb


Bill Proposal in last stages

Puerto Rico's bill to legalize public urination may go ahead.

The president of Puerto Rico, Jose Fernandez, has acknowledge the petitions to legalize public urination across the state. In his statement he has confirmed that he has discussed the bill with his advisors. A decision on the matter  will be made within the next fortnight. 

By Daniella Brown


Political Suicide for Boris

Enquiry into Johnson's mystery money continues.

According to new research by openDemocracy, almost half a million pounds of highly targeted donations from secretive Tory funding clubs bankrolled the Conservatives’ historic gains in Labour-held constituencies in the Midlands and northern England. This discovery arised after the enquiry into the PM's renovations. Sources say he also took loans out to hire a bouncy castle and rodeo clown.  

By Elle Clark


COVID-19 Report

  • Health ministry data showed there were 412,262 new reported cases of infections over a 24-hour period, pushing the total tally to over 21 million — days after crossing the 20 million mark on Tuesday.

  • India’s Supreme Court ordered the central government to present a comprehensive plan by Thursday outlining steps it will take to meet medical oxygen requirements for hospitals in Delhi.

  • India has sufficient oxygen available, but the main issue lies around logistics, according to Siddharth Jain, director of Inox Air Products.

By Daniel Gunn, 04/04/2021
  • Several coronavirus vaccines have now been approved for use, either by individual countries or groups of countries, such as the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • Of the 180 countries and territories administering vaccines and publishing rollout data, 68 are high-income nations, 95 are middle-income and 17 low-income.

  • Using figures collated by Our World in Data - a collaboration between Oxford University and an educational charity - shows the total number of doses given per 100 people, mostly first doses.

By Oliver Mountier, 14/04/2021
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